I recently indulged in a little Mommy DIY to help cope with a growing boy's need for a more grown-up room. My husband was demo-ing a garage which was full of old (decrepit) furniture, and I was able to salvage a little table and dresser which had interesting lines. After a good power washing and several good coats of paint, the dresser was beginning to look better:
I decided to use Annie Sloan Chalk Paint for the fun parts, as it is easy to clean up and has excellent coverage. Small pots of Emperor's Silk and Pure White were just enough to do the job. I enlisted a lot of painters tape and a junior apprentice to help.
Many layers of tape, paint, and a lot of waiting to dry followed. We finished with the recommended wax and waited two weeks for the paint to cure.
The finished furniture, in situ:
The table is just the right height for my son's little record player and record collection, one of our most loved eBay purchases. Way more satisfying to a four year old than punching play on an MP3 player, and surprisingly durable.
The dresser was a bit tricky with the diagonals, and there are a few drips, but I think they look sort of rock-n-roll. The Dulceria watercolor is from a series I painted of Tijuana, the little jumping fox garland at the left from nicholduenes on etsy, and the little needlepoint chair was my father's.
We sanded and then rubbed an old candle along the drawer edges to help them glide smoothly. A little more storage is always a good thing!
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